My hobbies
ABOUT MY HOBBYES HOBBY Hobby is an activity rather then the daily routine MY HOBBYES ARE : *DRAWING *DANCING *LISTENING TO MUSIC *cycling DRAWING Drawing is used to express ones creativity therefore being prominent in world of art. Drawing helps us to improve hand and eye coordination. It also improves our thinking way . Usually when I get boared, I have an habit of drawing Here, There are some drawings which were drewn by me Dancing : Dancing is the movement of body according to music (rhythmic way) ,and we dance in a given space for the purpose of expression and idea I love dancing even there is not a single day that I won't dance. I will be onned a music keep a volume more and I will be dancing 😂. I enjoy it . *Dancing improve our body flexibility *reduce depression *weight loss *increases our energy *it helps in strength and balance The significance of Hindu god natraja .The purpose of dance is realease men fro...